Jacobs Aviation Services


raimond@jacobsaviationservices.nl | T +31 (0)6 52410970 | F +31 (0)493 496138
Who We Are | Services

Jacobs Aviation Services was founded in 2001 and registered in 2002 (Dutch Chamber of Commerce No: 17142542) is an aircraft maintenance company.
Holding present EASA B1-B2 and C licence and FAA A&P/IA licence.
All the aircraft maintenance will be conducted according the EASA, FAR or of the country where the customer is located.

Performing routine audits of airlines.
Third party maintenance facilities.
Inspection of aircraft to ensure compliance with lease agreements.
Standard airline quality standards.


Annual Inspection
Jacobs Aviation Services is able to do annual inspection of FAA registered aircraft world wide according the lasted AD’s and Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Also Jacobs Aviation Services is able to approve Major Repairs and Major Alterations according 14 CFR 43.

Introduction programs
On The Job Training.
Engine Run-up Training.
Advance Troubleshooting.
Human Factors Training.
Maintenance Management Training.
Technical Administration.
Maintenance Planning.


End of lease program
Liaison operator and lease company.
Support during rectifications.
Cardex check.


Base Maintenance
Support of Licensed Engineers.
Support of mechanics.
Support of sheet workers.
Support of NDT.

Outstation support
On The Job Training.
Line Maintenance.
Base Maintenance.


C of A renewal inspection
On site inspection.
Cardex check.
Maintenance Program.
MEL control.


Technical Representative
Liaison with manufacturer and operator.
Setup of cardex and maintenance planning training.
Troubleshooting assistance.
Human Factors Training.